Wastewater Advisory Committee (WAC)

TRAC/PFAS Discussion

February 7, 2025 from 10:30 am - 12:00 pm

feat. Matthew Dam & Rebecca Weidman, MWRA
On TRAC--contaminants, compliance and other updates in the Toxic Reduction and Control division

Schedule (Calendar) | View Schedule (PDF) Here

The MWRA Board of Directors created WAC in 1990 to offer independent recommendations on wastewater policies and programs. WAC’s mission is to be an independent public forum for holistic discussion of wastewater issues. Membership is designed to reflect the knowledge and interest of major affected constituencies: engineering and construction, environmental advocacy, planning, academic research, and business.


The committee meets monthly. except for July and August, unless timely response is needed (watch the schedule page for the next meeting).

The agenda is geared to provide timely recommendations to the Board of Directors and MWRA staff on policy, project plans, program initiatives, and public concerns. Current areas of focus are the handling of residuals, sustainability and maintenance. WAC is an independent voice in these areas.

A diverse group of participants, including MWRA staff, representatives of environmental agencies and organizations as well as municipal officials attend meetings. Interested citizens also participate. The meetings involve lively discussions as a result of diverse opinions, leading to recommendations that capture the spirit of that diversity.

A leans over to look into a water display. A crowd is milling about behind him.
Checking under the hood at the Deer Island Treatment Plant Startup event.

Landscape of Cottage Farm
Cottage Farm CSO Facility
WAC - 01a_group
May 2019 Tour: MWRA Cottage Farm CSO Facility
WAC - EoEA-gives-MWRA-Education-Award
On May 6, 2014, EOEA Security Richard Sullivan presented the MWRA's Education Program and Meg Tabacsko with the Secretary's Award for Excellence in Energy and Environmental Education, after WAC nominated her.


Andreae Downs
Wastewater Advisory Committee,
Deer Island, 33 Tafts Avenue
Boston, Massachusetts 02128
Tel.: (617) 329-1261