The William A. Brutsch Water Treatment Facility treats drinking water for MWRA's three Chicopee Valley Aqueduct (CVA) Water System communities: Wilbraham, Chicopee and South Hadley Fire District No. 1.
Combined, CVA communities use an average of approximately 7.7 million gallons of water per day. The water is supplied by the Quabbin Reservoir and delivered by gravity to CVA communities through the Chicopee Valley Aqueduct. Along the way, it is stored in the Nash Hill Covered Storage Tank in Ludlow.
How the William A. Brutsch Water Treatment Facility Treats Drinking Water
Water at the Brutsch facility is treated with sodium hypochlorite (a form of chlorine) and ultravilolet light (UV) for primary disinfection. Primary disinfection kills any pathogens that may be present in water.
For residual disinfection, which protects the quality of water as it travels through local pipeline, sodium hypochlorite is applied.
Each community provides further corrosion control treatment to protect the water against leaching lead from home plumbing.
Ultraviolet Light Disinfection Added in 2014
While sodium hypochlorite is a safe and effective primary disinfectant, UV treatment was added as a second means of primary disinfection at the Brutch facility in October 1, 2014 in compliance with the Environmental Protection Agency's Long-Term 2 Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule.
Based on the findings of testing and research, MWRA and the CVA communities concluded that the addition of UV light disinfection was the best solution for meeting the EPA's requirement because it is cost-effective and will provide added public health benefits.
Benefits of UV Light Water Treatment
Ultraviolet light, a component of sunlight, is a safe, strong disinfectant that inactivates pathogens such as bacteria and viruses. It also inactivates chemical resistant, illness-causing parasites such as Cryptosporidium and Giardia by damaging their DNA, which prevents them from multiplying. Because UV water treatment does not require the use of additional chemicals, it also reduces the potential for the formation of harmful disinfection by-products.
Construction Information
MWRA’s contractor, Daniel O’Connell’s Sons, Inc., based in Holyoke, Massachusetts constructed an addition to MWRA's existing Quabbin facility that houses the UV treatment equipment. Work began in January 2013 and was substantially complete in August 2014.
About William A. Brutsch
William A. Brutsch served as the steward for the water system during his 32-year career with the Metropolitan District Commission and MWRA. Under his leadership, the foundations were laid for the modernization of one of the country's great water systems. He also spearheaded a water conservation program in the early 1990s, which eliminated the need for new source development and resulted in a decrease of over 120 million gallons of water per day. Bill is buried a the Quabbin Park Cemetery, near the shores of the great waters he cared for so much.