Water Efficiency at Home

In 1986, MWRA customers used a total of 330 million gallons of water per day.

Thanks to every-day water conservation efforts, demand has been reduced to about 200 million gallons per day (last five-years average).

Saving water keeps supplies level and has helped residents control their water, sewer and energy costs.

Below are some easy ways to save water at home.

Go to Water Conservation and Efficiency Main Page


In the Bathroom

  • Turn off the tap while brushing your teeth or shaving: save 1-2 gallons per minute
  • Never use your toilet as a wastebasket: save 1-7 gallons per flush
  • Don't take marathon showers: five minutes will get you clean. Save 2-4 gallons per minute
  • Fill your bathtub only halfway: save 5 gallons or more. You will save hot water costs, too

How to Find and Fix Leaks

Water-Efficient Appliances

Water-Efficient Toilets