2/1/25 Update
While recent rain and snow storms have allowed Massachusetts Energy and Environmental Affairs (EEA) Secretary Rebecca Tepper to reduce statewide drought levels from Level 3 to Levels 1 and 2, Massachusetts is still in a period of drier conditions. See www.mass.gov/info-details/drought-status
MWRA’s water system is not currently experiencing drought conditions as defined in our Drought Management Plan, but as of the beginning of February, Quabbin Reservoir is slightly below normal conditions for this time of year. No specific drought response actions are required, but we always encourage water conservation wherever you can.
At the beginning of February, the Quabbin and Wachusett reservoirs contain over 405 Billion gallons of water. This is due in part to their enormous size capable of holding many years of supply, but also because MWRA’s water communities have successfully reduced water usage by over 30% since the early 1980s. Although MWRA is not be issuing mandatory water restrictions on our member communities, it is always important to conserve water wherever you can, so that if the drier weather continues, we will have the water we need. Click here to see tips on saving water at home, both indoors and outdoors.
For more information on the current Massachusetts drought conditions, technical guidance regarding drought management actions and for drought-related tools and outreach materials, please visit these Commonwealth information resources: www.mass.gov/ma-drought-management; for water conservation information, go to www.mass.gov/conservemawater.
12/6/2024 Update
Due to over four months of unprecedented low rainfall, Energy and Environmental Affairs (EEA) Secretary Rebecca Tepper has declared a Level 3 - Critical Drought in the Western, Connecticut River Valley, Central, Northeast and Southeast Regions and a Level 1 - Mild Drought in the Cape Cod and Islands Regions of the Commonwealth.
11/12/24 Update:
Due to three months of below normal rainfall, Energy and Environmental Affairs (EEA) Secretary Rebecca Tepper declared a Level 3 - Critical Drought in the Central and Northeast Regions, and a Level 2 – Significant Drought in the Western, Connecticut River Valley, and Southeast Regions of the Commonwealth.
For more information on the current drought conditions, technical guidance regarding drought management actions and for drought-related tools and outreach materials, please visit these Commonwealth information resources: www.mass.gov/ma-drought-management; for water conservation information, go to www.mass.gov/conservemawater.
MWRA's water supply system is not currently experiencing drought conditions, as defined within its individual plan, but encourages water conservation wherever you can.
Click here to see tips on saving water at home, both indoors and outdoors.
Since the early 1980s, MWRA’s water communities have successfully reduced water usage by over 30%, which means that the Quabbin and Wachusett Reservoirs are still near full and in the normal operating range for this time of year. Although MWRA will not be issuing mandatory water restrictions on our member communities, it is always important to conserve water wherever you can, so that if the drought continues, we will have the water we need.