MWRA Announces First Metropolitan Water Tunnel Program Public Information Session on February 5th in Needham

NEEDHAM – The Massachusetts Water Resources Authority (MWRA) is excited to announce the first Public Information Session for the Metropolitan Water Tunnel Program, which will be held in the Town of Needham on Wednesday, February 5, 2025. Recently, MWRA awarded the Final Design contract to WSP USA Inc. Under this contract, WSP will complete final design, which includes completing geotechnical investigations, base mapping and field survey, permitting, hydraulic, civil and structural design for all new tunnels, shafts, chambers, and pipeline connections, and prepare bid documents for two large tunnel construction projects and three smaller enabling construction projects.

Importantly, this Public Information Session will provide residents, businesses, state and local officials, and others with a general update on the program, the anticipated construction schedule, and the opportunity to ask questions. The meeting’s details include:

  • DATE: Wednesday, February 5, 2025
  • TIME: 7:00PM (Hall will open at 6:30)
  • LOCATION: Needham Town Hall, 1471 Highland Avenue, Needham, MA

For more information about the project, please visit MWRA’s Metropolitan Water Tunnel Program’s webpage or by contacting Carmine DeMaria, MWRA’s Community Relations Coordinator, at (617) 305-5725 or Additionally, if you require translation services for this meeting please contact Danille Calvo, Environmental Justice Liaison, at 617-778-4363 or by email The deadline to request translation services is Wednesday, January 29, 2025, at 12:00PM.


To view the flyer for this event:

Flyer with information about a MWTP public meeting on February 5, 2025