MWRA 2007-2008 Writing Contest Winners

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Merjem Rizvancevic, Grade 4
Mrs. Smith, Teacher / Linden School, Malden


"Trust Tap Water"

Are you a bottled water snob? Hopefully, this paper will change your mind. Did you know that $1,000.00 worth of bottled water is the same as about $2.00 worth of tap water? That is about 99% of the cost for the same amount of water. Imagine paying that little money for that much water from your sink.

Did you know that bottled water is hurting our environment? When you throw away a bottle of water, it takes a long time to decompose. So, it is just staying there and polluting our environment. Even sometimes when people go on walks or go hiking and they finish a bottle of water, they just throw it on the ground and they do not decompose, they just sit there and rot. That is why it is better to buy those empty bottles and then fill them up with tap water.

The cost of tap water is less than two cents per cup. The companies are overpricing bottled water when tap water is much healthier. The water from the faucet is checked every day for lead, copper, chemicals, etc. Bottled water is not checked everyday. Most people are bottled water snobs thinking bottled water is healthier but it is not!

Some bottled water is actually filtered tap water. Tap water has a mineral in it called fluoride that helps our teeth. Sometimes if you leave bottled water outside to heat up for too long, the bottle might give off a chemical that can badly harm you.

I think tap water is better but, everyone in my family is a bottled water snob, even my dog!

Anyways, tap water is so much better than bottled water. It helps our health and safety, our environment, and only costs less than two cents per cup. Bottled water is hurting our health and safety, our environment, and it costs two dollars a bottle.

I am glad I did this report because I learned so much about the benefits of tap water. More tap water and less bottled water is better for our future.

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