MWRA 2007-2008 Writing Contest Winners

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Sinead Reilly, Grade 5
Mr. McDermott, Teacher / St. Mary of the Hills School, Milton


"A New Way to Save Some Cash"

I'm a kid and like most people, I enjoy receiving money and spending it. Sometimes I spend money on useless things, like a shirt that I will just wear once and then it will end up in the back of my closet. But after I heard this, I was in awe. My teacher told my class that if you had $520.00 and you spent $10.00 a week on bottled water, in fifty two weeks all that money would be spent! Gone! All that money wasted on bottled water. There is a type of water that you can get that is more convenient than bottled water; it is tap water.

One of the biggest ways tap water can help you is it is more convenient than bottled water.

Tap water sounds disgusting. To tell you the truth, I did not drink tap water before. But I am considering the change.

Tap water is purified. Before, tap water wasn't purified but that has changed. Tap water is a lot easier to get than bottled water. You do not have to say to your parents,"Oh, I forgot to tell you we need bottled water."

I must admit, I have said this before to my parents and they get pretty mad and they just tell me to get my soccer water bottle and fill it with tap water.

Another great way tap water helps you is that it saves money. As I said, you could save $520.00 a year from drinking tap water. Who would have thought that you would spend that much money on water?

Water companies are just ripping us off. They are not putting any of the money they earn into schools, or to help the environment. They are spending the money on themselves.

A disadvantage of using bottled water is that it is killing the environment. The plastic is very dangerous, especially to sea creatures. Bottles can fall into water drains on the street, those pipes end up draining into the ocean, and sea creatures such as whales, sharks, dolphins, and fish end up swallowing them and it either chokes them or clogs their digestive system. No matter what, they end up dying.

Also, people are throwing the bottles on the ground. This is called littering. If everyone ends up throwing their trash on the ground, the world will become a toxic waste dump. Everyone will end up sick.

So, I now think twice about having to drink tap water. I want to save the money I earn, not just spend it carelessly on bottled water. I actually prefer tap water now because it is convenient, costs less, and it is better for the environment.

So don't go and spend $520.00 on water, open a bank account and save your money, or spend it on something you will use.

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