MWRA 2007-2008 Writing Contest Winners

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Vanessa Gutierrez, Grade 5
Ms. Monagle, Teacher / McKinley School, Revere


"Tap vs. Bottled:The Battle of the Waters"

Hi, my name is Bill and my name is Bob.  We are going to host a football game.  The teams are – Tap Water and Bottled Water.  Bill, this is going to be an exciting game.  Throughout the game, we are going to tell you details about tap water and bottled water.

Right now the score is zero to zero.  Bill, here is a fact about bottled water.  In 2004 the total global consumption of bottled water was 154 billion liters (41 billion gallons).  Bob, that is incredible to hear!  Bob, did you know that only thirty-five percent of bottled water gets recycled?  I didn’t know that and it’s very shocking to hear that!

I can hear the animals and the environment chant for tap water.  On the other side of the stadium, we can hear the bottles and plastic chant for bottled water. The score of bottled water is seven and tap water is seven. 

Tap water is healthier than bottled water.  Bob, did you know that empty bottles add to litter and solid waste?  Bill, did you know that in 2007 the mayors of San Francisco, Salt Lake City, and Minneapolis signed a pledge to promote tap water over bottled water as part of the “Think Outside the Bottle Campaign.”

Bill, my friend, the Natural Resources Defense Council conducted a four year study on bottled water.  Bob, I just can’t believe they did a four year study on bottled water.  Tap water audience, the popularity of bottled water has been criticized from environmental, economic, and health perspectives.  Can you believe that Bob?  No, I cannot believe that Bill.  We can hear the bottles and the plastic “boo” at us and the environment and animals.  Right now we can feel the floor rumbling.

We end this wonderful game.  The final score is twenty-one to thirty.  The winning team is Tap Water.  We think tap water is healthier than bottled water. What do you think is better and healthier for the environment and you?      

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