MWRA 2007-2008 Writing Contest Winners

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Matthew Doherty, Grade 5

Mrs. Cefalo, Teacher / Galvin Middle School, Wakefield


"Let's Tap Into Tap Water"

Attention all Massachusetts residents, let's tap into tap water. Did you know that the MWRA tests up to 500 samples each week? The MWRA drinking water is treated according to strid state and federal standards. It is very safe to drink. The MWRA provides water to lots of Massachusetts residents. In fact, 2.2 million people and 2,500 industrial users depend on the MWRA.

Not only is tap water safe, it also has a lot of benefits.

Here's something to chew on. Tap water has fluoride in it and is good for your teeth.

Tap water also helps in everyday life. For example, businesses need it for their day-to-day work and people use it in their homes - to cook, to bathe, to keep them clean.

One of the most important things the water from our local cities and towns does is to help protect against fires. Lastly, tap water is better for the environment than bottled water because plastic is not used. Is that enough to get you to tap into tap water?!

One way to get people to tap into tap water would be to have a "Tap Into Tap Water" truck travel to local plaees such as water parks and playgrounds around Massachusetts. The truck would hold taste tests.

People would not know whether they were drinking tap or bottled water. Chances are they wouldn't be able to ten the difference and people will learn from the taste tests that tap water tastes just as good as bottled water.

Another idea is to have a representative from the MWRA visit local radio stations throughout Massachusetts. He would be interviewed by radio co-hosts and tell listeners about the benefits of tap water.

Lastly, Governor Deval Patrick could declare a "Let's Tap Into Tap Water" day in Massachusetts.

On this special day, people would put down their bottled water and drink tap water for the whole day.

Local news stations would talk about this special day on the air. By having this special day, hopefully people would realize that tap water tastes good and start drinking more of it.

So, say goodbye to your bottled water and let's all tap into tap water!

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