MWRA 2007-2008 Writing Contest Winners

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Caprial Harris, Grade 5
Mr. McDermott, Teacher / St. Mary of the Hills School, Milton


"So Thirsty!"

You're thirsty, so thirsty. Your tongue feels dry and rough. You could walk three steps over to your sink, get a clean glass, drop in some ice cubes, and turn on your faucet and in seconds you would be gulping down cool, clean, refreshing water.

Or you could get your keys, start your car, drive two miles to your local store, find the bottled water aisle, haul the heavy package into your carriage, be the fifth person waiting in the checkout line, pay the cashier, drive back home. Then carry in the heavy load, find the scissors to open the packaging, get your bottle out, get a glass and fill it with ice and pour the water in, and then take a drink.

You seem like a smart person. Which one makes more sense to you?

I think tap water is not being used enough. Bottled water is everywhere and I must admit, I have been guilty of buying lots of bottled water myself. I love the fun labels, the unique shape of the bottles, and the convenience of bottled water. I recently realized that bottled water was hurting the environment so I have switched to tap water and I'm hoping to persuade you to do the same.

I am a person who cares for the environment and I'm hoping you are, too. Bottled water hurts the environment because of the plastic the bottle is made out of. You are destroying the earth because of this plastic, especially when you don't recycle.

An easier way would be to use tap water. Most people believe that bottled water is easier to carry around, because it is portable, but you could buy a fun container that carries liquid and just fill it with tap water. By doing this, you are saving money and helping to save the environment.

I challenge you to a taste test. Put out a glass of tap water and a glass of bottled water and put on a blindfold. Have someone offer you one of the glasses, and taste them one at a time. I doubt you could taste which one is tap and which one is bottled. They both taste the same.

So, the next time you are thirsty, go to the sink and turn on the faucet. It's quick, easy, and tastes great. You will have your thirst satisfied in minutes without producing any trash for the environment, and it will not be expensive.

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