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Massachusetts Water Resources Authority


tuberculated water pipe

Local Water System Assistance Program (LWSAP)

Loan program to fund local water system improvement projects for member water communities from FY11 through FY34.
Image of construction in trench
Lead Service Line Replacement Program or Lead Replacement Program (LRP), an Enhancement to the Local Water System Assistance Program (LWSAP) for Member Communities

Loan program to fund local projects for member water communities that will fully remove lead service lines from the community water main all the way to the home or business.

mwra image lead service line replacement

Community Forum on Lead in Drinking Water

On June 29, 2017, MWRA and the MWRA Advisory Board held a Forum on Lead.  Speakers from MWRA, MWRA communities, MA DEP and MA DPH discussed what has happened with lead in the last year, with a focus on lead service line replacement efforts, the school testing program and changes in LCR sampling requirements, and an update on the events in Flint, Michigan.

image of water efficient showerhead - mwra

Water Conservation and Efficiency

Information for member communities, local businesses and residents; free educational brochures and low-flow fixtures; case studies.

water leak -

Leak Detection Task Order Contract

This contract provides member communities access to high quality leak detection service at a reasonable cost. Services performed under the task order contract are paid by MWRA; communities are billed the following year.

map of water system

The MWRA Water System
Information about our water system, including drinking water quality and recent improvement projects.


image water infiltration

Infiltration/Inflow (I/I) Local Assistance Program

Grant and loan program to fund local I/I reduction and sewer system rehabilitation projects for member sewer communities.

image of water inflow

Annual Infiltration/Inflow Reduction Report (PDF)

A progress update on regional I/I reduction accomplishments by fiscal year as required by MWRA's NPDES Permit.

Archived prior year Infiltration/Inflow Reduction Reports are available here.

ii report 2002

Regional Infiltration/Inflow Reduction Plan, September,  2002 (PDF)

Plan as approved by the MWRA Board of Directors on May 23, 2001. MWRA submitted the plan to the US EPA and MA DEP as required under MWRA's NDES Permit. It was approved by MA DEP on November 19, 2002.

cover of I I task force report

I/I Task Force Report (PDF)

Regional report developed through the cooperative efforts of 43 MWRA member communities and other regional stakeholders. The report recommends implementation of regional I/I reduction goals and implementation strategies.

sewer system map

The MWRA Sewer System
Information about our sewer system, wastewater treatment, and our state of the art facilities.

Sanitary Sewer Overflows (SSOs)


In April 2014, the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) revised the statewide Regulation 314 CMR 12.00 Operation, Maintenance and Pretreatment Standards for Wastewater Treatment Works and Indirect Dischargers (PDF).

Sections 12.04(2)(a)-(d) list specific requirements regarding infiltration/inflow reduction. The Regulations reference MassDEP’s Guidelines for Performing Infiltration/Inflow Analysis and Sewer Systems Evaluation Surveys (May 2017, PDF).

The New England Interstate Water Pollution Control Commission (NEIWPCC) developed a manual Optimizing Operation, Maintenance, and Rehabilitation of Sanitary Sewer Collection Systems (December 2003) as a guidance document for collection system owners, managers, and operators. The manual was developed using a grant from the US Environmental Protection Agency.

Also available from NEIWPCC is the Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination Manual – A Handbook for Municipalities.

The United States Environmental Protection Agency New England (USEPA Region 1) has a variety of wastewater collection system resources including its Wastewater Collection System Toolbox web page.

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Updated July 18, 2024 11:22 AM