Writing Contest Winners 2020-2021

Honorable Mention, Grades 6-8

Vanessa Knowles
Grade 6, McCall Middle School, Winchester
Mrs. Megan Capobianco-Burns, Teacher

Far, Far Away

Far, far away, where we can't see, is a group of people sending water to me.
In a pandemic, with disease, people are still working to send water to me.
Through all the hardships and all the struggles, they've never given up their essential job.
I don't know if they know how much all of their dedication means.
Things get down but never do they,
Their families grieving the thought of someone leaving every day.

Far, far away, where we can't see, is a group of people cleaning water from me.
In a pandemic, with disease, people are still working to clean water from me.
On Deer Island, they work, work, work,
Even with a mask they still have a smirk.
Things get down but never do they,
Their families grieving the thought of someone leaving every day.

Far, far away, where we can't see, is a big group of people working hard for me.
In a pandemic, with disease, people are still working hard for me.
All day long, they work, work, work,
They test our water and they do it with a perk.
Things get down but never do they,
Their hard, hard work goes on every day.

But let's just remember all of their hard work and dedication pays off in the end when they can say . . . I work at MWRA!