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TRAC - Permits
Massachusetts Water Resources Authority

The following MWRA permit applications are in Adobe PDF format unless noted.
PDF files require Adobe Acrobat Reader®.

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Permit Resources
Sewer Use Discharge Permit Application Instruction Sheet, updated 06/2023
TRAC Submittal Form
Municipal List as of 03/2023
Construction Site Dewatering
Construction Site Dewatering Discharge Permit Application, updated 12/2022
Dental Discharges
Notice of Intent to Discharge for Dental Facilities, updated 12/2022
Dental Facility Biennial Compliance Report - 2024, updated 7/2024
X-Ray Processing Discharge Form
Food Processing

G2 Food Processing Biennial Compliance Report - 2024 (PDF)
For operations during 2022 and 2023
Updated 05/31/20224

Gas/Oil Separator Inspection
Notification of Proposed Gas / Oil Separator Installation and Instructions - 2024
Landfill Discharge
Landfill Discharge Permit Application, updated 12/2022
Notice of Intent to Discharge
Notice of Intent to Discharge Food Processing Wastes, updated 12/2022
Notice of Intent to Discharge Photo Processing and/or Printing Wastes, updated 12/2022
Septage Discharge
Septage Discharge Permit Application, updated 12/2022
Sewer Discharge - Publicly Owned Drinking Water Treatment Plants
Sewer Discharge Permit Application for Publicly Owned Drinking Water Treatment Plants, updated 05/2024
Sewer Use - General
Sewer Use Discharge Permit Application, updated 06/2023
Sewer Use Discharge Permit - Low-Flow/Low Pollutant Discharge General Permit Application - ADDENDUM, updated 12/2022
One Time Only Discharge Request (PDF) - last updated 2/28/2020
MWRA Annual G1 Compliance Report - PDF, updated 02/2022
Sample Analyses & Reporting Certification Form
Sewer Use - Colleges and Universities
Sewer Use Discharge Permit Application for Colleges and Universities, updated 12/2022
Facility Grading Report
Mass. Board of Certification of Wastewater Treatment Plant Operators - Facility Grading Report


360 CMR 1.00: Adjudicatory Proceedings (PDF)
360 CMR 2.00:
Enforcement and Administrative Penalties (PDF)
360 CMR 10.000: Sewer Use (PDF)
About the Pretreatment Program and the Federal Clean Water Act


Each municipality is assigned an Industrial Coordinator and a Compliance Coordinator.

Industrial Coordinators are responsible for inspecting and permitting to industrial users in that municipality. Contact List (PDF)

Compliance Coordinators are responsible for issuing Notices of Violation and overseeing escalated enforcement actions. Contact List (PDF)

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Updated July 2, 2024