Section 101 Extension (Contract 7457)

Project type
Project status
Map of Waltham Pipeline Extension


About this Project

The Section 101 Pipeline Extension project consists of a new 36-inch diameter water main and appurtenances extending from MWRA’s Meter 182 at the Waltham/Lexington town line down Lexington Street to Totten Pond Road, where it will connect to Waltham’s water system. This connection will provide a new redundant water supply to Waltham’s Prospect Hill Service area from the NEH pressure zone and to MWRA’s Lexington Street Pumping Station. In an emergency, the pipeline will provide a partial water supply to MWRA’s NEH pressure zone from the Lexington Pumping Station. This new water main will provide sufficient capacity to maintain water service to Waltham during the anticipated shutdown of MWRA’s WASM 3 pipeline and the Lexington Street Pumping Station for future rehabilitation.

The contract documents include water, sewer and drain utility replacement work in the project area for the City of Waltham that needs to be completed concurrently with the MWRA work and prior to completion of construction of the City’s new high school anticipated in 2024. Reimbursement to MWRA for the design and construction of the City’s portions of work will be made under the terms of a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA). On April 25, 2022, the Waltham City Council voted to approve the appropriation of funds for its work under the contract and the City has certified this pursuant to the agreement.

Work Includes:

  • Install 9,000 LF of 36” MWRA Main
  • Install New MWRA Meter Vault & 4 Community Meters
  • Remove and Replace 4’ Box Culvert
  • Remove & Replace 2,900 LF of Waltham 12” water main
  • Replace & Replace 2,600 LF of Waltham 10” water with 12” water
  • Remove 870 LF of 15” drain and replace with 36” drain
  • Remove 2,700 LF of 10” sewer and replace with 12” sewer + 550 LF of new 15” drain

The construction will take approximately 24 months. NTP was signed in July 2022, Construction will begin in April 2023 and expected completion in Winter 2024 / Spring 2025.