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Massachusetts Water Resources Authority
2003 Report on your Drinking Water - a message from your local water department

Water & Sewer Division

Public Water Supply # 3035000

Waltham seal

April 2004

The annual Consumer Confidence Report (CCR) is attached for your consideration. In cooperation with the MWRA, the City of Waltham, Water & Sewer Department offers information on where our water comes from, how it is treated/tested and above all, how we maintain your confidence in the water quality during this year.

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Constant attention is given to safety, security and preventative maintenance of your water system (and wastewater collection system). We have approximately 143 miles of water mains that are, in some part, being upgraded and repaired constantly. Water quality is monitored frequently as is the system’s integrity. As an older system, we focus on maintenance and repairs as many of the 56 programs involve upgrades to your utility.

Maintaining the system is only one aspect of Consumer Confidence. Other programs (i.e., billing, cross-connection, leak detection, flushing and testing, etc.) also contribute to improving the efficiency of this system. Capital improvement budgets are under review for the necessary upgrades to the entire system over the next 40 years.

We hope that the report provides the information you need about our local water supply. The thirty employees that comprise your Water Department are dedicated public servants and each person makes a significant contribution to delivering you clean water.

Please contact your water department anytime with questions or suggestions. The telephone number is 781.314.3820. Our office is open 7:00 am to 3:30 pm, Monday thru Friday. For your convenience, messages can be left after normal hours and instructions are announced for emergencies.


Ralph A. Pecora, Jr.,
Water & Sewer Division