Writing Contest Winners 2022-2023

Third Place, Grades 3-5

Fiona Macdiarmid
Grade 4, Cummings Elementary School, Winthrop
Mrs. Leanne Silverman, Teacher

The Importance of Water Conservation

Hi. Hello? I’m talking to you, yes you. I’ve traveled all across the world and can I tell you what I’ve seen. I’ve seen people WASTING WATER. Don’t people know how important water is and once people put it into their bottles some people don’t EVEN USE IT! Wait, did I forget to introduce myself? Well, my name is Rainy the Water Drop. So now I’m going to go and tell people about how to save water so no water is wasted again! All I need is a place to go and talk about how to save water. I can go to your house? Amazing! Let’s go now then.

Alright you can explain to them what I am while I show them how to conserve water. So did you know that around nine hundred BILLION gallons of water is wasted each YEAR but you can help. One way that you can help is to check for leaks in your toilet. If your toilet has a leak you could waste two hundred gallons of water! To check, first place a few drops of food coloring in the toilet tank. If it shows up into the bowl you have a leak and should get it fixed right away.

Another way you people can conserve water is to take showers instead of taking baths and installing flow restrictors. If you take showers instead of baths, you can save 45-60 gallons of water! If you must have a bath then plug the drain and only fill the tub half. To save even more, install flow restrictors! They’re not expensive and cut the water down to around 3 gallons per minute instead of 5-10 gallons. Also your shower will still be nice, cool, and refreshing.

A final way you can save water is if you need to clean your car or bike, don’t use a hose, use a bucket and sponge. A hose can waste 6 gallons of water a minute, while a bucket only uses a few gallons of water. While I’m on the topic of hoses, another way to save water is when you are watering your plants. Do it in the morning, that way your plants have tons of time to drink the water and make sure it’s only a little!

Now I hope you use the thing I told you about! I wish I could stay but billions of people waste water and need help to stop. Goodbye, I’ll see you again. (Evaporates)

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