MWRA 2012-2013 Writing Contest Winners

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Joey Wu
Grade 10, Noble and Greenough School, Dedham
Ms. Tonge, Teacher


Ode to Tap Water

Sparkling ice-cold water in a plastic Dasani bottle
Does seem as enticing as a Lamborghini in full throttle.
However the issue at hand is not concerned with cars,
But instead examines an idea that can be seen from afar.

Tap water, simply stated, comes from the sink
Yet it is one of the most commonplace household drinks.
Being surprisingly beneficial in the world today
Is the overarching idea that I wish to convey.
Tap water contains fluoride, which is present in your toothpaste,
Though its usefulness in society is almost never truly embraced
This element is capable of expunging malignant bacteria
That often can be seen throughout an ill-treated cafeteria.
Fluorine also prevents the lethal effects of tooth decay,
Giving one's growing organs a little more leeway.

The Environmental Protection Agency sports a vital role
Monitoring filtration and performing monthly inspections
are just two of its habitual goals.
Bottled water, however, is patrolled by the FDA
Though regulating water sources is not exactly its forte.
Unlike its counterpart, the FDA follows no set guidelines
While the EPA submits federal reports after completing what they are assigned.

Moreover I deem it necessary to emphasize
A beneficiary that you most likely would not have surmised.
Water from the tap requires mere pennies a day,
While just one bottle of water is as expensive as a fruit parfait.

Many believe tap water to be disheveled and murky
But frankly, this credence can be resolved quite swiftly.
All that is requisite is to pay for a few filters every year
And compared to buying bottles one can worry less at the cashier.

To those individuals who believe bottles to be cleaner
I suggest that you contemplate and act a bit keener.
Our beloved Mother Nature always treats us with care
Though there is a protruding issue of which we need to be aware.

Almost 50 billion bottles are processed every year
But its effects on our environment are extremely severe,
Much of the plastic is laden with industrial chemicals
While the waste left over may find its way to water channels.

There are still a few key ideas of which I have not evinced
Hence I shall elaborate upon them so the audience will be convinced.
Many major cities such as Concord and Seattle alike
Have recently witnessed a high water bottle tax spike.
Thus it should be clear by now that bottles are no less expensive
For after a while one is prone to realize that their savings can be quite massive.

For those still dubious I ask them to give their attention just once more
I am certain that this examination cannot be found at a bookstore.
Indeed, the water sold at the supermarket seems so fresh and so pure
But to most of us these bottles' journeys to the counter are nothing short of obscure.
Brands such as Dasani simply bestow tap water from public companies
And then sell them in massive quantities for the same price as a pound of coffee.

Tap water may be mundane in the minds of many
But with respect to the environment it can be one's best buddy.
It possesses fewer toxic chemicals and promotes stronger teeth
This array of helpful information I truly hope you bequeath.

And next time at a restaurant, when asked your preferred drink
I implore all of you with the deepest of my sentiments to recall this ode
and carefully think.

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