Writing Contest Winners 2019-2020

Honorable Mention, Grades 6-8

Cecilia Goldsmith
Grade 6, McCall Middle School, Winchester
Ms. Marebeth DiMare, Teacher

Have a Heart
A Plea from the Plumbing

The next time that you use the loo,
There are some things you must not do.

Don't clean your babe and in a rush
Throw out the wipes and simply flush.

They don't break down and go away;
They leave the pipes in disarray.

Whatever claims the pack might make,
Don't flush them down, for goodness' sake!

And as if wipes weren't bad enough,
Your clogs of hair make cleaning tough.

A total pain, I would maintain,
Is locks of hair stuck down the drain.

But gum and floss are worse than hair;
In fact, they make a nasty pair.

Remember, when you blow your nose,
Your tissue will not decompose.

These simple rules will keep pipes clean;
Please have a heart and don't be mean!

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