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MWRA Writing Contest Winners 2005 - 2006
Massachusetts Water Resources Authority

image of pen and ink

Writing Topics:

Grades 3-5: Write about where your drinking water comes from. Trace MWRA's drinking water journey from source to tap.

Grades 6-8: Write about where your drinking water comes from. Trace MWRA's drinking water journey from the source to the tap. Include how and why it is treated.

Grades 9-12: Write about where your drinking water comes from. Trace MWRA's drinking water journey from the source to the tap. In addition, describe what happens to wastewater once it goes down the drain. How is it transported and treated in the MWRA sewer system?

1st Place
Grades 3-5

Haley Roberts

2nd Place
Grades 3-5

Saidhbhe Berry

3rd Place
Grades 3-5

Nick Petchell

Honorable Mention
Grades 3-5

Leanne Rizzo

Honorable Mention
Grades 3-5

Cate Pappano

Honorable Mention
Grades 3-5

Tiffany Xie

Honorable Mention
Grades 3-5

Kali Carvide

1st Place
Grades 6-8

Samantha Kiley

2nd Place
Grades 6-8

Thomas Francis Pecoraro, Jr.

3rd Place
Grades 6-8

Daniel Thornton

Honorable Mention
Grades 6-8

Kimberly Ellis

Honorable Mention
Grades 6-8

Allison Carter

Honorable Mention
Grades 6-8

Steven Marchio



1st Place
Grades 9-12

Tyler Calway

2nd Place
Grades 9-12

Julia Chen

3rd Place
Grades 9-12

Brendan Shanahan

Honorable Mention
Grades 9-12

Katie Cole

Honorable Mention
Grades 9-12

Leon Spencer

Honorable Mention
Grades 9-12

Paige Mascheri