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MWRA Poster Contest Winners 2004 -2005
Massachusetts Water Resources Authority

Honorable Mention , Grades 6-8
by Taylor Papasdora, Grade 6
Abraham Lincoln School, Revere

Ms. DeRosa, teacher

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The Greatest Contributing Factor in the Revitalization of Boston Harbor

The Boston Harbor was said to be the dirtiest harbor in America. From all of the restaurants and factories around it, they really did not help. With all the dumping of trash and air pollution, the harbor was not getting cleaner any faster.

Since the project was started in 1985, the harbor's pollution has decreased in great numbers. The Boston Harbor Project has benefited the marine environment and the people of the region.

I think the greatest contributing factor was in 1988, when sewage scum was landfilled instead of being discharged into the harbor. The effect of that was it left less oil, grease and floating matter in effluent. Better disinfection resulted in fewer bacteria.

On September 6, 2000 was the opening of a new 9.5-mile ocean outfall. The most dramatic changes have occurred near the former harbor outfalls, especially changes in bacteria, ammonium concentrations and water clarity.

Although the Boston Harbor Project is the highest-profile project, sewage treatment plants, old or new, hav never been the only sources of pollution to the area's water. Through courses of years on this project all of the work has turned the dirtiest harbor in Amercia to one of the cleanest harbors of all times.

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